Nov 19, 2024

Dear Slow Clap: What Is a B-roll Package?

Dear Slow Clap,

We recently had a request from a reporter for a “b-roll package” to use in a video journalism piece about our company. What exactly is a b-roll package?


Confused Corporate Communicator

Dear Confused Corporate Communicator,

That’s great news that your company is going to be featured in a news outlet! So often journalists work on tight budgets and deadlines so they don’t have time to send out a crew to film at your company. That’s where a “b-roll package” comes into play. 

A b-roll package, sometimes referred to as a publicity reel, a corporate b-roll reel, or a video press kit, is simply just a bunch of video clips that your team collects for general purpose use. So, for instance, if your company makes robots that automate the manufacturing process, the b-roll package might include video shots of those robots, along with maybe some shots of people working in your office, logos, servers, and whatever other visuals that might be useful. Most often, a company makes a b-roll package to go along with a press release.

You could create a video press kit pretty simply by either collecting clips from all the different videos your company produces, and aggregating them into one master video reel or cloud directory, or you could hire a video production agency like Slow Clap to come out and spend the day filming various stuff at your company.

That way, next time a journalist, a strategic partner, or collaborator agency knocks on your door looking for a b-roll package, you can simply copy, paste, and send.

Yours truly from action to cut,

Dan at Slow Clap

Further reading

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